
Redefining Revenue: There’s a New Currency in Town

Hint: Interactions are the new currency.

Monetizing the impact of an engagement or relationship has long been a challenge. In a world where sell side firms only have a finite number of hours to allocate, how do you determine where your time and energy will yield the highest amount of profitability, and leave your clients wanting more? How do you tip the scale in your favor between being valuable, and providing insights impactful enough to pay for? How can you keep your existing clients satisfied while identifying new clients at the same time?

Jiro Okochi, CEO of Tier1 Financial Solutions, and Amrish Ganatra, CEO of Commcise, discussed the nuances of creating the most valuable engagement model between the sell side and their buy side clients. A model that targets the information the buy side finds critical to their investment decisions and the methods of distributing that information, which in turn informs the sell side on how to best optimize their resources.

We discussed a spectrum of opportunities to optimize your processes and ensure you are executing on the optimal engagement model for increased profitability – for both you and your clients.

To view a video of the discussion from the day of the event, please complete the form for access.